Media Resources
A Brief Statement For Media Use
“The main goals of this website and campaign are to educate craft beer consumers, retailers and Florida Legislators on the current laws concerning craft beer production and distribution in Florida. Most of these antiquated laws have been in effect since the 1930s, well before the current boom in craft beer in our state. As an organization, we want to facilitate changes to update the current system of alcoholic beverage laws to better serve the retailers, distributors, manufacturers, and ultimately consumers across the State of Florida.”
Feedom For Beer Logos Files

Florida 2021/2022 Craft Brewery Industry Statistics
Statistics from Brewers Association
374 Craft Breweries (ranks 8th)
2.2 Breweries per Capita* (ranks 41st)
* per 100,000 21+ Adults
2021 Economic Impact
• $4,142 Million Economic Impact (ranks 5th)
• $246.77 Impact per Capita (ranks 38th)
• 1,332,659 Barrels of Craft Beer Produced per Year (ranks 3rd)
• 2.5 Gallons per 21+ Adult (ranks 24th)

Other Craft Beer Friendly States
- Alaska (unlimited)
- Arkansas (brewers producing up to 60,000 bbls annually)
- Arizona (up to 3,000 bbl under 20,000 bbl production cap; unlimited to same-ownership outlets)
- California (No restrictions on production size or on-premise [brewpubs])
- Colorado (up to 300,000 gallons per calendar year.)
- Connecticut
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois (A craft brewer licensee, set at less than 465,000 gallons of beer annually, may self-distribute up to 232,500 gallons per year.)
- Indiana (only brewers producing up to 30,000 bbls annually)
- Iowa
- Kentucky-*UPDATED ’21(self-distribute up to 2,500 barrels)
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Minnesota (only brewers producing up to 25,000 bbls annually)
- Montana (a brewer producing up to 60,000 bbls of beer annually)
- New Hampshire (brewers producing less than 15,000 bbls can sell up to 5,000 bbls. For brewpubs it is 2,500 bbls)
- New Jersey (brewers producing up to 300,000 bbls annually)
- New Mexico
- New York (distributors permit allows for self distribution up to a capacity of 60,000 bbl. annually. For a brew pub the distribution limit is 3,000 bbl. per year.)
- North Carolina (a brewery producing less than 25,000 bbls)
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon (Brewery licensees can self distribute with no volume restriction. Brewpubs can self distribute if their production is less than 1,000 bbls.)
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- Tennessee
- Texas (If you hold a Brewer’s Self-Distribution License (SD), you can sell your malt beverages direct to retailers.)
- Utah (less than 60,000 bbls)
- Virginia (a brewery can form a separate distribution company as a distinct legal entity)
- Vermont
- Washington (less than 60,000 bbls)
- Wisconsin
- West Virginia
- Wyoming